My Testimony

For the past 7 years I’ve been battling with many health issues, kidney failure being the most difficult and severe. I Started off at stage 4 close to stage 5 kidney failure in 2015, becoming weak and exhausted with my day to day living. I couldn’t even carry myself, better yet a gallon of milk. Horrified that I will stay that way, weak and body entirely swollen from head to toe. Some days not being able to walk or carry myself around. Using a Cane or Walker on and off at the age of 31 through 35. the swelling made me feel like I was walking in a swimming pool all day. It wasn’t until I’ve done research online and took charge for myself. I didnt allow myself of letting the doctors dictate what I had to do, because I was getting weaker and worse every minute listening to them 😔.

Turning My Life Around

All my research lead me to veganism. Every little article I read, every website I went to, all lead to not eating meat or processed. So I made the decision to eliminate all meats and all processed foods from my diet.

becoming vegan

The first thing I did was stopped eating meat and processed foods. I started leaning off meats slowly till I became pescatarian, then gradually went vegetarian then finally to veganism.  It wasn’t an easy trip, but I’ll do anything to stay healthy and be on top of my health. Being vegan wasn’t easy. prior to that, I was very weak. I was inform that I needed to eat meat to gain strength, which I couldn’t because it kept getting me sick. At times, I would need to be rushed to the emergency room because the meat I consumed would get me extremely sick that it felt like I was poisoned. 

Moon Face and swelling

My swelling began once my kidneys were giving up on me. My face was swollen to the point that smiling was becoming painful! Walking was painful! My skin felt like it was going to explode or pop. The feeling of walking felt like I was underwater, as if I was walking in a pool or ocean. I could barely walk myself from place to place, so I stayed home, unless it was to go to the doctors. I couldn’t run nor jog. I couldn’t even carry a gallon of milk, that’s how weak I was. in-addition to that, I would always try to carry a smile no matter how much pain I was going through. To me life wasnt so bad after all. I had to enjoy what I had left since the doctor said I would only have about 5 years left. Well I proved her wrong! I am now more healthier then I ever was. I have my kidneys under control now with my creatine at 1.7 and gfr at 55.

getting back to normal

Getting back to normal wasn’t easy, or shall I say trying to get back to normal Isn’t easy. For six months I wasn’t able to taste anything. Everything would taste like cotton, tissue, dirty mop. Everything would have the same consistency no matter what I was eating. It could be jell-o and it would still feel and taste the same. It’s like I would taste every single chemical that was in my food and water. Food was already becoming undesirable to me. I would sit in front of my food and cry because I wouldn’t be able to taste it. I would also only drink Fiji water since my body would feel dirty and sick after drinking all other waters! Fiji was the ONLY water that made me feel refreshed .

People don’t realize how big of a deal it is to lose your taste buds. To me it was the end of the world. I thought I would never get my taste back. It wasn’t until I was home, at my mothers house, that I was able to taste her organic hot sauce. I was now able to taste something! It was like a lightning strike to my tongue. I wasn’t affected by the spice but the taste. My body would be sweating but my mouth was fine, no hot sauce effect on my tongue.

 So I started to buy many different hot sauces but non I was able to taste. It wasn’t like my mothers. So I ask my mother for her ingredients and made my own. I removed a few herbs I didn’t like and added my own, cilantro culantro, thyme, and rosemary. To my surprise, it was the best hot sauce I’ve ever tasted! Then on top of that with my left overs, I decided to grind them and may I say “I’ve discovered another perfect sauce!” with my two new hot sauces I was able to eat anything and everything that was presented to me, except anything sweet of course. Food was now once again desirable!

My Progress

I’m still progressing to get healthy. This isn’t a one day to the next pop a pill type of thing. This take years for kidneys to rejuvenate back to normal if taken cared properly. Its now 7 years later and I still get stabbing sensations and pain around the kidney areas. I still get weak and sick from certain things I eat. I’ve had to develop and maintain a new healthy life style by changing my diet and meditation with the addition of exercising. All of this has helped me to become balanced and maintain borderline healthy. In addition, my kidneys can regress back  to worst at any moment, without cause, especialy if a certain thing i eat contains meat product in it. Then I will swell up again, as I did twice this year. 

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Randy Lohnas

    Izzy, you are a true inspiration to others that deal with health or diet issues. You have a reason to get up everyday and do what you need to do to better yourself. Your hot sauce is the BEST I’ve ever put in my mouth and up to trying yours I hated hot sauce. Continue doing what you do and being the best you can be

  2. Demarce Boyd

    I just came across several of your profiles and this testimony is purely amazing. You’ve overcome obstacles most others would have given up on. Kudos to you and your drive to take charge and listen to your body.

    1. Pique Miami,LLC.

      I appreciate you took the time to read alittle about me!!! thank you and many blessings to you and your family!!!

  3. Izzyjamill

    Awww thanks Ms.E, you are truly one of the only professors that still keeps in touch with many of her students, I included. I’ll pay you a visit, once I head up there this fall❤ and thank you so much for being you ❤

  4. Jonathan

    I was looking over your website. And I cant do any spicy things with heat. Because it gives me acid reflux real bad. I wish you had some items that are just spices and no heat to them at all.
    But I do wish for you to have continued success for the product you currently have.

    1. jdetresjr

      i will have those soon!!! same flavor but no heat 🙂

  5. Sharon NewmanEhrlich

    As one of your former teachers from high school, I want to state how courageous you have been and continue to be, on your journey to better health!! You are truly one of my “hero’s”!!!! I am amazed and excited for you in your new business venture.. I want to help you in any way I can.. Please keep me in the loop so I can watch you advance and grow!!!! We need some of that sauce in Philly!!!!!

    1. Carmen

      Thsnks for your comment! I was also a school teacher and I feel very happy when I hear about my ex students succes stories!

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